
Abby France

Abby France is a web application designed to help freelance workers manage their accounting.

Project Overview

Abby uses Bankin’s API to help users with transaction categorization, and provides statistics to help freelances with their budget management.

One of the features provided is the integration of the URSSAF (the French organization which collects freelance workers taxes) API, with which Abby can guide the user through taxes declarations.

Project Technical Details

This project is written entirely in TypeScript. It uses the following technologies:

  • Frontend:
    • Vue.js: the frontend framework
    • Vuetify: the UI framework, interfaces perfectly with Vue and provides a nice material design experience
  • Backend:
    • NestJS: a backend framework for building efficient server-side applications. Runs on Node.js
    • Sequelize and Mongoose: an ORM and an ODM to ease interaction with relational and document-based databases